15.A can make fiction a reality in this decade. 16.give sb an edge over sb 给予...竞争的优势 17.A have much in common with successful feature films 18.A computer game eats ...
华陀是东汉末年著名的医学家,他医术高明,诊断准确,在我国医学史上享有很高的地位。 华陀给病人诊疗时,能够根据不同的情况,开出不同的处方。 有一次,两个人一同到华陀那儿看病,他们诉说的病症相同:头痛发热。华陀分别给两人诊了脉后,给其中一人开了泻药,而给另一人开...
industrialization process and better stand on their own feet in economic growth. Nigeria’s Lekki Free Trade Zone, the China-Egypt TEDA Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation ...
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